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Academic Honors and Awards

Academic Honors and Awards


Accelerated Reader Program (AR)

The AR program enhances students’ reading and comprehension skills. After reading an AR book, students may take the quiz at school. Upon passing the test, students earn points. Goals are set for each 9-week period. Students who achieve the goals are rewarded at the end of each grading period with a special celebration.

Honor Roll and Principal's List

Students who earn and maintain at least a 3.0 average (“B”) for the NINE weeks.

  1st - 5th graders are eligible for Honor Roll.

Students who achieve and maintain a 4.0 average (all A’s) for the NINE weeks are placed on the PRINCIPAL’S LIST.

A “D”, “F”, “N” or “U” in areas other than conduct disqualifies a student from receiving Honor Roll and Principal’s List.

Student of the Month

One student from each grade level will be recognized as a “Bucket Filler of the Month.” Students are chosen by their teachers and based on all around good character and attitude. Bucket Fillers of the month will receive a yard sign to display in their yard.

5th Grade Student of the Year

Students that have maintained an excellent discipline record, outstanding character traits and a 3.1 grade point average for their 2nd – 4th grade years and the first nine weeks of the 5th grade year are eligible to compete in the Student of the Year program. More information is sent home during the year to qualifying students.

End of the Year Ceremonies

  • Grade Level ceremonies are held during the last week of school.
  • Students that maintain an “A” average (Principal’s List) for the entire school year will receive a Principal’s List Award.
  • Students that maintain a “B” average (Honor Roll) the entire school year will receive an Honor Roll award.
  • PreK and Kindergarten do not receive Principal’s List or Honor Roll but will have their own special ceremony.
  • Fifth grade students will be honored at a separate ceremony for academic achievement.
  • Certificates are also presented for various subject areas and to students who maintained OUTSTANDING ATTENDANCE throughout the school year.