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Arrival Procedures

Arrival Procedures


  • Spruce Street and Elm Street will continue to be a 1-way during drop off.
  • Doors open at 7:30.
  • No student may arrive or be dropped off at school before 7:30 am.
  • The school is NOT responsible for your child until this time; supervision is NOT provided until 7:30 am.
  • Any student arriving at school after 7:55 AM must be signed-in, by an adult.
  • The school day begins at 7:55 am and ends at 3:05 pm.


Bus Riders


  • Expectations. Students should follow bus driver’s instructions and rules.
  • Good behavior is mandatory. The students’ safety depends on it.
  • Bus misconduct will be referred to the principal.
  • While on the bus, students are to remain seated and not switch seats unless directed by the bus driver. Hanging or throwing objects from the bus windows are unacceptable behavior.
  • Parents are not allowed to get on the bus, please remain outside by the door for your child.
  • Bus Stop Behavior. School conduct policy also applies to bus riders while riding the bus and at the bus stop.
  • While waiting at the bus stop, students should also be considerate and respectful of other people’s property.
  • Morning riders will enter the school through the back entrance on Pine Street.


Car Riders


  • Students will enter the back entrance of the school.
  • Enter the car rider line in front of the school (Spruce Street) as you come from 6th Street.
  • Do not enter the car rider line near the stop signs at the corner of Spruce and Elm streets.
  • All cars must be in a single line.
  • We will unload 4 vehicles at a time. Please pull all the way forward in the unloading zone.
  • Please make sure your child has all items ready to unload. This will help to speed up the process.
  • For student safety, car riders will not be allowed to enter the school through the front door entrance.


Bike Riders and Walkers


  • Bike riders and walkers will cross the street from either the intersection of Elm or Spruce to enter the school through the front entrance on Spruce Street.
  • All students must walk their bike on the sidewalk and walk their bike to the bike rack.
  • It is strongly suggested all bike riders have a bike lock and lock their bikes to the bike rack.
  • The school will not be responsible for theft or damage to bikes during school hours or bikes left on campus overnight.
  • Students are not to play with or damage bikes parked on campus. The bike area is off limits.
  • Students caught riding bicycles that belong to others or otherwise abusing them is subject to suspension from school, payment for damages and possible legal action.