Dismissal Procedures
Dismissal Procedures
Students are considered “on campus” from the time they arrive at the bus stop until the moment they arrive home. All misbehavior at the bus stop either in the morning or afternoon can result in disciplinary action from administration.
Bus Riders
- Spruce Street and Elm Street will continue to be a 1-way during drop off.
- Remain in monitored hallways until buses arrive.
- Expectations: Students should follow bus driver’s instructions and rules. Good behavior is mandatory: the students’ safety depends on it. Bus misconduct will be referred to the principal. While on the bus, students are to remain seated and not switch seats unless directed by the bus driver. Hanging or throwing objects from the bus windows are unacceptable behavior. Parents are not allowed to get on the bus, please remain outside by the door for your child.
- Bus Stop Behavior: school conduct policy also applies to bus riders while riding the bus and at the bus stop. While waiting at the bus stop, students should also be considerate and respectful of other people’s property.
Car Riders
- All car riders will receive a car rider sign. The sign should be clearly visible in the front window of the vehicle. The sign must be shown each time you pick up your child for the entire year. This sign serves as permission for the child to be picked up from you. This procedure will protect students during dismissal. If a car does not have a car rider sign, they will be asked to drive around to the front office for proof of identification and approved name on the checkout information.
- Car riders are dismissed at the back entrance out of the Pine Street school doors.
- For safety reasons, vehicles must enter the car rider line at the corner of Spruce and 6th St.
- Please follow all traffic laws. Please do not block the stop signs or crosswalk.
- We will load 4 vehicles at a time. Please pull all the way forward in the loading zone unless otherwise directed. This will help to speed up the process.
- If your child is not ready for pick-up at your arrival, you will need to pull onto Pine St. to wait so we can keep the line moving.
- All students must be picked up no later than 3:10. Students will be sent to aftercare. A fee will be charged.
- Walkers are dismissed out of the front entrance of the school on Spruce Street.
- Walkers are escorted across Spruce and Elm Streets.
- For safety reasons, students should walk on the sidewalk. Proceed directly home, without detouring or playing.
- Cars are not allowed to park for their child to walk to the car. This becomes a safety hazard for your children and causes unnecessary traffic congestion.
- Rainy Day Plan. If it is raining at dismissal time, walkers will become car riders. If you choose to walk in the rain with your child/children, please report to the office before the 2:58 dismissal bell and the secretary will call your child/children from class. This procedure will protect students during inclement weather.
Bike Riders
- Bike riders are dismissed out of the front entrance of the school on Pine Street.
- For safety reasons bike riders must walk their bike to the sidewalk area before riding off. *Proceed directly home without detouring or playing.
- Students are not to play with or damage bikes parked on campus. The bike area is off limits.
- The school will not be responsible for theft or damage during school hours or bikes left on campus overnight.
- Students caught riding bicycles that belong to others or otherwise abusing them are subject to suspension from school, payment for damages and possible legal action.